Why do you want this job?
Why should I hire you?
Why do you want to leave your current job?
Do you have convincing answers ready for these important questions? Landing a good job is a competitive process and often the final decision is based on your performance at the interview. By following the advice of prominent career planning and human resources expert Peter Veruki, you'll know you have the right answers at your job interview.
Peter Veruki has been Director of Career Planning and Placement at the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University for ten years. In addition to serving on the College Placement Council Board of Governors for six years, Mr. Veruki was chairman of the CPC's professional Training and Development Committee, where he helped design and conduct interview training programs.
Nona Pipes has worked in theatre, film and television since the age of 11. She has recorded more than 70 audiobooks, including works for children.
Ken Kliban has been a narrator of audiobooks for 23 years, recording hundreds of titles. He has also worked extensively on Broadway, off-Broadway and in regional theatres.
Take the most important steps towards finding the job or career you want.
John Mignano from Warburton - 12 Mar 2007
Just by listening to this audiobook, I've found many ways to leap frog over 99% of other applicants going for the same job. What I learned is ”the more you know, the luckier you get”. If you're changing career, following the guidelines contained within dramatically improves your chances of getting the job you really want.
Hear sampleAuthor : Peter Veruki
Narrated By : Various
Publisher : Listen & Live
Length : 3 hours
Type : Interpersonal Skills
Price : $16.95 $11.00
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