"Your subconscious mind loves inner organization. To oblige, you will be building some working metaphors or inner structure that will encompass your entire life. This will make it easy for you to build multiple goals in different areas of your life, as well as to manage your inner emotional children that either help or hinder you as you walk towards your goals of healthy eating."........Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
People over-eat for many reasons. Some are physiological & some are emotional. Portion control is of major importance in managing high levels of health & performance. This audio program helps the listener assess his/her eating behaviors & encourages the decrease of intake when appropriate. This audio brings to awareness the reasons for over-eating & provides tools & techniques for diminishing unhealthy behaviors. This program is not designed to decrease intake in a person who is under-eating, or looking to starve themselves for unhealthy weight management.
This audio includes deep relaxation, entry tools to the subconscious mind, imagery designed specifically for emotional & thought management, inner motivation & lifestyle change, as well as Interactive Self-hypnosis © practice.
Note: All programs produced by International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd. are written & recorded by Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht. Each program has 2 or 3 separate original Interactive Self-Hypnosis Sessions, each with it's own induction. All programs include directions for listening & other important information. This audio addresses the physiological reasons for high level hunger, as well as the emotional & hormonal connections. Tools utilized include awareness meditation, stress management, high level nutritional management to level blood sugars & to prevent hyperinsulinemia. Listeners learn the personal/family medical connection to appetite control & suppression, allowing them to cut back on emotional & compulsive behaviors or habits.
Narrator - Elizabeth Bohorquez, RN, C.Ht
Publisher - International Medical & Health Writers, Ltd.
Length - 1 hour 19 minutes
Type - Alternative Therapies
Download Price - $19.95
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